an enchanted wedding destination


important guest information


Dear Guest,

We value your experience and safety whilst visiting the Manor Basket Range, We ask that you familiarize yourself with the below in the case of an emergency.

The property is fitted with an automated fire and emergency system, when a detector detects smoke or other particles it will trigger the warning system to go into effect. If the warning state does not clear automatically, the system will go into evacuation state for your safety. All guests and visitors are required at this point to evacuate the building and meet at the nominated evacuation point as per the in room map. Please don’t return to rooms unless a fire warden or fire crew advises and the audible alarms have ceased.

The system is sensitive and other elements like steam from showers, talc powder, aerosol deodorant cans can set these alarms off. To counter-act this all rooms have exhaust fans in bathrooms. We advise to keep fans on in bathrooms whilst using the shower, baths or spas to ensure venting occurs and doesn’t set alarms off.

Smoking (including e-cigarettes and vaping) in rooms and balconies are prohibited at all times, To respect the comfort of all guests, should you require smoking facilities we recommend the outdoor garden areas or driveways away from rooms.

When using the room facilities including kitchen, cooking facilities and heaters we recommend these be supervised at all times, and we ask these be shut off when leaving your room.

In the event that the alarms are triggered by a non avoidable action/non emergency e.g. burnt food, steam, smoking in room or any of (but not limited to) the above items, the deemed source room will be charged a $600 fire department call out fee, plus any damages and fees caused by the non emergency event.

The emergency alert system will automatically give directions, although should you find yourself in an emergency situation and the alarms haven’t started yet, we advise to promptly evacuate for your safety.

For more information on fire safety please visit

We hope you enjoy your stay and enjoy this truly magical venue if you have any queries or concerns please contact us via

The Manor Team.